The Medical Director at The Pain Management Center of Texas enjoys the opportunities of serving the complex needs of individuals who suffer painful disorders. Personalized attention promotes achieving an accurate diagnosis and leads to proper treatment so that a better quality of life can be reached.
(903) 753-7333
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Personal experience
After earning his medical degree from the Chicago Medical School, Dr. Theesfeld successfully completed his internship in General Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, under the direction of Michael DeBakey, M.D. He then completed his residency in Anesthesiology at the University of Texas, Galveston. Daniel R. Theesfeld, M.D. continued his specialized training with a fellowship in Pain Management at the Longview Pain Care Associates. Presently, his professional life is dedicated to treating his patients and instructing other physicians.
Interventional Pain Management is an area of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of pain related disorders. Dr. Theesfeld established The Pain Management Center of Texas in 1996 to accurately diagnose and effectively treat people with pain related disorders. Since then, he has been a leader and innovator in office-based comprehensive pain management and offers the most advanced pain control techniques and procedures including spinal injections for disc and nerve pain, facet injections for neck and back pain, nerve destruction for pain relief, vertebroplasty to correct spinal fractures such as compression fractures, Spinal Cord Stimulation (Pacemaker for Pain Relief) for severe chronic pain and angina, and much more.
If you or someone you know suffers significant pain, please contact Dr. Theesfeld at The Pain Management Center of Texas today.
Expertise & Skills
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- American Academy of Pain Management
- American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA)
- Association of Pain Management Anesthesiologist
- International Spinal Injection Society (ISIS)
- Texas Medical Association (TMA)
- Texas Society of Anesthesiologist (TSA)
- Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce
- June `89 Board of Medical Examiners Pt. 1
- Sept. `90 Board of Medical Examiners Pt. 2
- Dec. `92 Flex Parts 1 and 2
- April `93 Drug Enforcement Administration
- April `93 Department of Public Safety
- Aug. `93 Texas State License
- Oct. `98 ABMS Certification